Published On: October 7th, 2021Categories: News, North Seven

Urban gardening is not only trendy and has great health benefits, but it is empowering and can provide a more productive work environment. Whether you are growing tomatoes, stylish succulents, or a flowering plant, apartment gardening can make your space feel like home.

NASA has found that certain plants help purify the air. Cleaning chemicals and products, as well as everyday living, put toxins in the air that can make us sick. Having Barberton Daisies, English Ivy, or Snake Plants helps clean the air, creating a healthier environment. Before selecting plants for aesthetic though, make sure they are not toxic for pets. Your home should be a safe environment for everyone.

The urban gardening movement is about creating sustainable, low emission food sources. Growing tomatoes, basil, peppermint, or even strawberries provide a wonderful, nutritious addition to your daily meals. Cultivating and nurturing your food from seed to plate is empowering and generates a learning environment. Don’t have balcony space to put a few pots on? A herb garden is a wonderful solution! Make sure any recreational herbs you grow are legal for your state.

Studies have shown that gardening improves memory retention and concentration up to 20%, so if you are working from home, rethink that fern! They are quiet office partners and never interrupt important phone calls. Interacting with plants in your workspace also improves mood; horticulture therapy during the day will help you regulate your mindfulness.

If you have been considering adding plants to your space, now is a perfect time to start. Entry-level plants that require little work are a great way to start and will help you decide what kind of apartment gardening is for you. Some easy beginner plants are Pincushion Peperomia, Zebra Plant, and Heart-leaf Philodendron; if you are an experienced grower, just make sure you control any invasive plants and that you are keeping it legal.